9 Unconventional Blogging Tips for Service Providers

You already know that blogging is a crazy effective marketing strategy. But how do you make it work for your service-based business? Time for some blogging tips!

What do you blog about? How do you get your blog seen by your ideal clients?

If you’re not sure where to start, I’m sharing the uncommon but ultra-effective blogging tips that helped me skyrocket my traffic and bring in a steady stream of clients and customers.

If you hate posting on social media, these content marketing tips are your solution!

blogging tips for business

Blogging Tip #1: Create Case Study Blogs

There’s no better way to show potential clients that you can get results than a case study showing you got results. 

Create a blog that shows your audience how you worked with your client, what results you achieved, and the process you followed. 

People love an inside peek at how businesses work, and it will help them visualise working with you.

When you’re working on this blogging tip, focus on results, stats, and outcomes – those are what people are looking for most:

How Company X Gained 50K Followers in 3 Months with SEO

Take a Sneak Peek into Company X’s Marketing Strategy

How Company X Doubled Profits with 1 Simple Google Ad

Blogging Tip #2: Answer Service-Based Questions

When your potential clients head to Google, they’re not looking for services; they’re looking for solutions. 

They probably don’t even know they need your services yet.

All they know is the problem they’re having.

So, your blog needs to be full of specific solutions to questions surrounding your services

Let’s say you’re a life coach that helps people achieve their goals.

Your potential clients aren’t looking for coaching services, but they are looking for strategies for improving their productivity, health, and mindset. 

To make sure you rank on Google and capture client attention, you could have blogs like:

How to boost productivity in 3 simple steps

How to set goals and actually get results

How to use journaling to map out your life goals

Notice how these are all how-to style guides? These are all potential searches your client could be typing into Google. By offering answers in your content marketing strategy, you’ll show up in searches and capture that traffic.


Blogging Tip #3: Get Unconventional with Your Ideas

I don’t know about you, but I’m over generic blogs. The internet is overflowing with AI-generated content that doesn’t add any real value or new ideas.

Be the person who stands out from the noise with real value and genuine insights.

When you’re creating content, keep asking yourself, is this actionable?

Can readers take what you’re saying and start making changes or implementing strategies, or is it too generic to make anyone feel motivated?

This is why how-to blogs are so popular. They give people step-by-step guides to get results straight away:

How to Travel for Free Using Credit Card Points

My Exact 4-Step Process for Booking Clients with YouTube

How to Open a High-Interest Savings Account

Blogging Tip #4: Publish Service Blueprints

If I’m thinking about hiring someone new online, I want to know everything about their service. What’s it going to cost? What results will I get? What are the deliverables? What’s the long-term strategy?

The problem is that service pages don’t usually go into enough detail to satisfy client curiosity. 

Service blueprint blogs are the perfect solutions for any potential clients who need a little extra convincing before they’re ready to buy. 

Publish blogs that have a deep dive into your service process:

  • What is the step-by-step process?

  • What work goes on behind the scenes?

  • What deliverables do you give to clients?

  • What’s your aftercare process like?

Include examples, screenshots, case studies, and walkthroughs in your blog writing to get your readers excited about working with you:

Step-by-Step Guide to Monthly Coaching Services

How Does Book Editing Work? The Complete Guide

What Files Do Graphic Designers Send Clients?

Blogging Tip #5 Forecast Future Trends

service provider blogging

Forecasts of future trends, tools, and industry standards are incredibly popular and highly shareable. 

You don’t need to be a fortune teller or technical expert – just give your opinions about what you think the future looks like for your industry. 

The key is using research to back up your claims. Anyone can say that in 2026 robots are going to take over and enslave us all. 

Blog posts that get picked up and go viral give forecasts based on industry models and research that give their claims clout:

How AI is Shaping the Future of Design

What Social Media Will Look Like in 2028

Upcoming SEO Trends Business Leaders Need to Know

Blogging Tip #6: Jump on Non-Related Trends

Keep an eye on Google Trends and use whatever is currently trending to add newsworthy articles to your blog a couple of times a month.

It doesn’t have to be industry-relevant – and it’s usually more interesting if it’s not!

Right now, the 2024 Open is trending with over 100K searches. Here are some business articles that jump on that interest:

Your content marketing strategy shouldn’t hinge on trending topics. However, it adds interest and relevance to your service blog when you stay up to date with the latest stories, which means more shares and better blog SEO!

What Rory Mcllroy Teaches Us About Personal Branding

3 Marketing Campaigns the 2024 Open Nailed

2024 Open Viral Videos That Have Social Media Managers Cringing

Blogging Tip #7: Focus on List Building

Each blog you publish should have the ulterior motive of building your email list. Most visitors won’t be ready to buy from you after one visit, so you need a way of keeping in contact until they become ready.

Add a newsletter sign-up to every blog post with a valuable free offer that your visitors can’t help but want. 

It needs to be a relevant offer that aligns with your blog. For my website, I give readers a free service page template that’s on sale in my store. It helps them create a high-converting service page that lands more clients – perfect for a blog about website optimisation!

For your freebie, don’t overthink it. The best ones are:

  • Super simple – a one-page planner will be more popular than a 40-page technical guide. Readers want quick and easy results, not homework!

  • Ultra relevant – sign-up incentives should align with your paid offers to prime visitors. 

  • Problem-solving – choose one specific problem and give real solutions in your freebie. 

Don’t use your freebie as a sales pitch; people don’t want to be sold to. Instead, give genuine value, and people will begin to resonate with your brand organically. 

Related: How Do You Make Money Blogging?

Blogging Tip #8: Go After Low-Competition Keywords

Building traffic to a small blog takes time, but you’ll never make any real progress if you use high-competition keywords.

Huge, established sites dominate the most popular searches, and you’ll never compete with their rankings. 

But how do you know which words to rank for?

One of my favourite keyword research tools is Uber Suggest. It tells you the search difficulty for each keyword, and anything under 40 means you have a good chance of ranking (with proper optimisation). 

Blogging tips using Uber Suggest

Want to know exactly how to optimise your blog SEO? Grab the SEO Playbook today for a complete tutorial!

Blogging Tip #9: Post 2-3 Times a Week for Massive Growth

Blogging is an intensive marketing strategy. Posting once a week is great if you already have a large blog that already generates traffic.

However, if you don’t have consistent traffic yet, you should be posting 2-3 times a week to start seeing results. 

Aim for 90% evergreen content (which is problem-based content that never goes out of date or style) and 10% industry news and trending content (to stay relevant and to your readers).

Related: Are Blogging Courses Worth It?

The Best Blogging Tip: Stay Consistent

Gone are the days of posting on a consistent schedule; Google and your readers don’t really care about timing anymore.

But you do need to be consistent with these blogging tips. For a couple months, nothing will change, and you’ll feel like all your effort isn’t worth it. 

But then it’ll start to tip, traffic will start to build, and client inquiries will start coming in on autopilot.

So get started, and stick with it.

If you’re struggling to come up with blog topics, I’ve written a whole guide on high-converting blog content ideas with swipeable title examples for you to use!

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